
Amidst growing climate concerns, sustainability must be deeply fundamental in the design and development of builds. Stemming not only from low impact and energy efficient sites, a healthy building is underpinned by a network of informed and adaptive decision-making processes. The ability to create a space that is functional, honours integrity in both materiality and structure, and, connects people to their surrounding landscape in a self-sustaining way encapsulates the value of sustainable architecture in both an environmental and broader community context.

Bathroom Hits

Issue 43

Our annual bathroom spread sees sustainability front and centre of each design, enhancing material choice, aesthetics and performance in ways that are highly creative and individual. Soak it up!

Floor Show

Issue 38

Whatever your aesthetic and textural preferences, there’s a sustainable flooring option to suit.

Joint Purpose

Issue 46

The art of carpentry is being used in a myriad of ways these days. Here’s our pick of the year’s most inspiring examples.

modern dugout

Issue 45

A nook at home or industrial open plan, in the city or the bush – the modern office is a place of inspiration and flexibility.

Unit x Unit

Issue 44

Prefab housing makes sense in a number of important ways – it’s relatively quick to build, has defined costs and makes efficient use of materials. These days it’s also raising the bar on the design front, as our annual selection shows.

Bathing Beauties

Issue 37

Whether designed as a relaxing retreat or for high-use practicality, bathrooms challenge the skill and creativity of any architect. We think these ones have succeeded brilliantly.

Office Talk

Issue 39

Eight offices have caught our eye in the last year – because of their low-budget style, clever reinvention of materials, energy efficiency or just because they look like fun places in which to work.

The Innovators

Issue 36

The evolution in building materials has recently picked up speed – here’s the lowdown on what these exciting new products do and how you can use them.

Get Appy

Issue 38

With the arrival of smart phones, home automation was always going to take off. But how can you be clever about using all this smart technology?

21st Century Light

Issue 40

Whether building new or retrofitting, working out the lighting early will reap rewards down the track. And it’s LEDs that will take you there.