
Inspirational articles from the pages of green magazine.

Hip to be Home

Issue 95

Removing trip hazards was just the tip of the iceberg when considering the design for this this deeply modest age-in-place home in a flame zone.

Tall Order

Issue 76

In a notable first for this publication, we present a house designed for giraffes.


Issue 75

Family business Rhubarb Rhubarb is an organic grocer (you probably guessed that one!) that has been at the Preston Market for 20 years. When the time came to move spots and expand operations, the owners engaged Brave New Eco to design the fitout.

Built, and They Came

Issue 96

A coalition of informed, passionate and interested parties helps nature breathe new life into a battered Victorian valley.

May 2021

Issue 79

Karen Sutherland's regular permaculture tips.

March 2021

Issue 78

Karen Sutherland's regular permaculture tips.

January 2021

Issue 77

Karen Sutherland's regular permaculture tips.

Community Spirit

Issue 75

The magnificence of NSW’s Sapphire Coast is comparable only to the fortitude of its people.

Mountains, Moors and Rainforests

The terrain, flora and weather are important factors that make an epic trek, but it is also the guides who add so much to the journey on Tasmania’s iconic Overland Track.

Interest Peaked

Issue 69

The Southern Grampians offer a dynamic landscape for hiking and the iconic Royal Mail Hotel at the foot of the range is a welcoming gourmet destination.