Friends & Associates presents Annual General Meeting

Friends & Associates focuses on camaraderie in the Australian contemporary design discipline.

With an interest in the possibilities of new knowledge, new design methods and approaches through collaboration, Friends & Associates looks to solidarity as the cornerstone in contemporary production.

Realised as a series of exhibitions and collaborative production outcomes, Friends & Associates is an ongoing process-based project initiated by Dale Hardiman and Tom Skeehan launched in 2017.

Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) is Friends & Associates’ second presentation – a showcase of furniture and objects by the most exciting names in Australian contemporary design.

Running over three days from 14 – 16 June, A.G.M. will present designers of various disciplines working within the fields of furniture, lighting and accessories.

A.G.M. is free to attend and open to the public, located within the historic Melbourne Meat Market building, The Stables designed by George R Johnson in 1880.

Participants: Rolf Bareford, Elliot Bastianon, Jonathan Ben-Tovim, Christina Bricknell, Andrew Carvolth, Rosanna Ceravolo, Rhys Cooper, Thomas Coward, Geordie Ferguson, Liam Fleming, Michael Gittings, Ebony Heid, Maddie Sharrock + Brooke Holm, Alison Jackson, Sarah K, Adam Markowitz, Ryan Mcgoldrick, Damon Moon, Marcus Piper, Tim Robertson, Geri Sloyan, James Walsh, Charlie White and Damien Wright.

Local Milan No.3 Edit

The third edition of LOCAL MILAN was presented by LOCAL DESIGN during this year’s Milan Design Week.

LOCAL MILAN featured 26 Australian designers and is the largest independent showcase of Australian design in Milan to date. Pioneering the way forward for Australian design, Emma Elizabeth, founder of LOCAL DESIGN, single-handedly curated and directed the exhibition to advance awareness and understanding of Australian design amongst a global audience.

A selection of pieces from LOCAL MILAN No.3 will be on display during Annual General Meeting.

LOCAL MILAN No. 3 Edit participants: Kate Banazi, Christopher Boots, Adam Cornish, Emma Elizabeth, Daniel Emma, Tom Fereday, Nicholas Fuller, Fred Ganim, Ross Gardam, Adam Goodrum, Jon Goulder, Volker Haug, Dowel Jones, Sagitine, Tom Skeehan, A.C.V. Studio, Hava Studio, Fiona Susanto.

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