Treasure Chest
“The brief was for a classic, Italian-inspired café designed like a jewellery box,” explains Ohlo Studio of Willing Coffee, a venue in Guildford, WA.
The compact space is adorned with finishes like sumptuous Persian red travertine, crisp stainless steel and warming European oak.
This distinctive marriage of materials stems from close study of historical references: design cues were taken from Italian mid-century diners as well as 50s and 60s vintage cycle styling to represent the clients’ two great loves – competition cycling and coffee.
Ohlo Studio developed a strong relationship with the clients, who had clear ideas of what they wanted for the project from the outset. Their personality shows in details like a case for displaying curated international journals and hanging space for cycling accessories. “Trust plays a huge part in the outcome of any design,” Ohlo Studio observes.