Play the new timber framing quiz

It’s tougher than it looks to place the components of a two-storey timber framed house in the right order to avoid a total collapse! Take the challenge at the free WoodSolutions online timber framing quiz.


The Timber Framing Quiz aims to help students learn the common components of a two-storey timber-framed home on stump footings. 


“Even in these days of largely preassembled frames and trusses, a knowledge of framing components and their application is still relevant,” said Eileen Newbury, Head of the WoodSolutions Program, “The timber framing quiz not only helps students, but anyone involved in timber-framed structures, from industry salespeople to DIY’ers and home renovators.” 


“The Timber Framing Quiz is a natural complement to the free introductory online courses covering timber and its properties available at the WoodSolutions Campus,” Ms Newbury explained, “it’s another step in achieving our goal of becoming the leading provider of online knowledge about designing and constructing with timber building systems.” 


A hint before you try to build your home – the components and the order in which they are to be placed reflect common practice in the industry – there are however acceptable variations in practice, but these are not reflected in the quiz.