NSW government launches Better Placed
The Australian Institute of Architects has welcomed the launch of the design policy Better Placed by NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts this morning.
“New South Wales needs to continue to become a better place to live in’, the Institute’s NSW Chapter President Andrew Nimmo said. The new policy will help to deliver a higher quality of new development and great places as we meet the challenges of an increasing population.
“Investing in the design process at the early stage of projects saves time and cost and leads to more responsive, resilient, healthy, integrated and equitable precincts, towns and cities.
“Architects are highly skilled at applying the process of research, analysis, collaboration and concept testing described in the policy’, Mr Nimmo said. ‘The Institute’s annual NSW Architecture Awards are an example of this and recognise and celebrate architectural design excellence in all its forms.
“The seven objectives in the policy establish the framework for assessing new projects as part of the design review process, he said. The policy also provides the rationale for the ‘good design’ object we anticipate will be introduced into the planning legislation later this year.
“The policy is a significant achievement by the Government Architect NSW following the office’s move to the planning portfolio and its strategic focus on design as the key to transforming and improving the NSW built environment.
“We applaud the Minister for supporting this holistic and innovative design policy, and through our members are ready to work with the Government to help ensure that the ambitions of this policy are fully and properly realised.”
Chief Executive Officer of the Institute, Jennifer Cunich added, “The Institute would like to see similar quality-based policy throughout the country, as we believe that good design yields a dividend for all stakeholders, that is returned not just in the immediate term, but over the lifetime of a well-designed and delivered built environment.”