Flow Hive team launches pollinator house

According to the UN, native bees and butterflies are facing dire threats from habitat loss and pesticide use – up to 37 per cent of species globally have declined, and 9 per cent face extinction.

12-19 November 2017 is Pollinator Week in Australia and in recognition of the importance of pollinating insects not only to our food supply but to all life on Earth, BeeInventive, the company behind the Flow Hive, is launching its Flow Pollinator House.

With a pollinator house, almost anyone can provide pollinating insects on their patch of the planet with a warm, dry place to call home.

Crafted from upcycled off-cuts of the FPSC-certified western red cedar used in the construction of Flow Hives and sustainably-sourced bamboo, ALL PROFITS from the sale of Flow Pollinator Houses will go to habitat protection and regeneration projects.

“I was in the factory looking at a pile of Flow Hive off cuts and I thought, ‘How can we reuse these and upcycle our waste?’” Flow Hive co-inventor Cedar Anderson said.

“So we re-cut the disused pieces and turned it into this beautiful western red cedar pollinator house for solitary bees to come and raise their young.

“In creating habitat we give these pollinators stepping stones through the urban landscape; building corridors between our wild spaces. If we can give them enough homes we can bring back some of these important species from the brink of extinction,” Cedar said.

With the Flow logo and the distinctive gabled roof of the Flow Hive Classic, these homes for pollinators are roughly the size of a toaster, look fantastic and can be installed pretty much anywhere.

Flow will also be marking Pollinator Week with a presentation by Flow Hive co-inventor Stuart Anderson at the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney.

Set in the incredible floral display at The Calyx, Stu will tell the incredible success story of Flow Hive and discuss his personal passion for bees, pollinators and entire ecosystem this Saturday, 18 November from 4pm.


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