Common Resources by Dale Hardiman

Operating within the tradition of the readymade object, Hardiman has assembled various found objects including IKEA stools, plastic garden chairs, industrial construction goods and planters to reconfigure their design. The surfaces of the objects are covered, first with industrial grout, followed by a UV resistant rubber compound that allows for a flexibility on the surface. Common Resources considers the relationship between the disposability of everyday objects and our society that readily consumes and discards them.

For these pieces, Hardiman has intentionally adopted a naïve and intuitive approach, opposite to that of the traditional furniture craftsman. The assembly of parts is performed without sketches or computer-aided design, asserting that in working individually with each part in real time, new hybrid objects can be formed. The application of colour is based on pre-existing material qualities, with the black outlines used to help accentuate original design features while creating unification between parts.

Common Resources is part of Melbourne Design Week 2018, an initiative by Creative Victoria in partnership with NGV. Common Resources is part of Designwork02 at Sophie Gannon Gallery, presenting new solo shows by Elliat Rich and Dale Hardiman.

Sophie Gannon Gallery
Melbourne, Australia
7th March – 24th March

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