Kid Friendly

“The brief and scope for this project [were] so exciting,” shares Danielle Brustman, the interior designer behind Cremorne’s Brighton Street Early Learning Centre by Perkins Architects.

Offered the opportunity to be bold with colours and materials, it can safely be said that Danielle seized the moment by specifying a total of 47 interior paint colours.

Vibrancy and texture reign supreme here: each room has a hand-painted mural, flooring is inlaid with graphic shapes, bathroom tiles capture spectrums of colour. “Children are so imaginative and less inhibited than we adults. It made complete sense to me that these spaces ought to be filled with both stimulating and inspiring visuals,” Danielle explains.

Of course, there’s nothing more exciting than natural materials and locally-made fixtures. The flooring is Marmoleum – Forbo’s brand of linoleum – made from natural fibre and recycled materials. Melbourne-based Copper Industrial Design was commissioned to create several feature pendants for the reception area and stairwell. Paints are low-VOC by Dulux and Porter’s. “[I wanted to] present child-friendly spaces that felt more personalised and fun to be in,” Danielle notes.

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