The Museum of Everything heads to Hobart
From June 2017 to April 2018 Mona will play host to an astonishing exhibition of art objects selected and curated by The Museum of Everything – the world’s first wandering institution for the untrained, unintentional, undiscovered and unclassifiable artists of modern times.
James Brett, Founder, The Museum of Everything said, “The Museum of Everything is not an exhibition of art objects. It is a dictionary of private languages, a survey of human behaviours and an encyclopedia of profound beliefs. Our artists do not create for the markets or museums.”
“They make because they must and – from Henry Darger to Nek Chand Saini – have something vital to say about the essence of their lives. We invite you to discover them and their lifetime’s labour; and we hope that they move you as they have always moved us.”
This is the first time The Museum of Everything will visit Australia. “We have long admired The Museum of Everything – a museum without walls and without boundaries,” said Nicole Durling, Co-Director of Exhibitions and Collections at Mona.
“The Museum of Everything will dramatically transform Mona’s touring gallery spaces in a kind of takeover of our established aesthetic.”
“The exhibition won’t be telling our visitors what to think. This is consistent with Mona’s philosophical approach to challenge established perceptions. It will be an interesting continuum to our exhibition On the Origin of Art, which also questioned established ideas,” Nicole said.
“We hope that The Museum of Everything will raise a range of questions and issues that aren’t only about art. We hope that it will introduce our visitors to new ideas for consideration and wonder.”
The exhibition features over 1500 works from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, arranged over a series of themed spaces in an informal journey through human making.
Included in the show are drawings, sculptures and paintings, as well as ceramics, collage, photography, assemblage, plus found objects and installations.
The Museum of Everything launched during Dark Mofo, Mona’s iconic winter festival.