First solar powered light at Vivid 2014
A light sculpture with its own personality ‘Ray’ is the first ever solarpowered installation at Vivid 2014, Sydney’s annual festival of music, light and ideas. In the first week of the festival it was also the most popular installation with more than 200,000 visitors!
Passersby can say #HiRay to interact with Ray and hear about his day. Ray reports on how he is feeling loved or lonely, high or low on solar energy, happy or unhappy about air quality and pollution levels via twitter, facebook, instagram and a colourful website
Since 2009, the Vivid Light walk has grown to attract over 800,000 people yet Ray is the first ever solar powered sculpture at Vivid, colliding with the tide of public support for renewable and solar energy. Sydneysiders can take part in Ray’s impressive light show, demonstrating the possibilities for solar power, at a hot spot of the Vivid Light walk outside the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA).
The project is the brainchild of a startup social enterprise Pollinate Energy an Australian company who install solar lights in India’s urban slums. Pollinate Energy change lives and health outcomes for India’s poor by providing a source of affordable, renewable and clean energy.
A monumental collaboration of individuals and organisations have rallied behind the incredible story of Pollinate Energy to bring Ray to life. The unusual and innovative collaboration cuts across companies, notforprofits, creatives and experts from a variety of fields. The varied team working on the 7metretall sculpture includes lighting design duo amigo & amigo and digital interactivity designers S1T2. Ray’s personality has been shaped by experience design team Wildwon and Ray is solar powered by Southern Cross University’s ‘sunflower’. Even more support for this project has come from OnLED, AutoBake, AECOM, Destination NSW and sponsor PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Stay tuned for more news about Ray at
During Vivid, say #HiRay on twitter, facebook or instagram.
Find out more about Pollinate Energy: