2019 Tasmanian Architecture Awards shortlist announced

The shortlist for the 2019 Tasmanian Architecture Awards has been released, showcasing a wide range of architecture across the state, ranging from a treehouse to a major art museum addition.

This year saw 40 entries into the Australian Institute of Architects Tasmanian Chapter awards program, entered across nine categories.

The jury is comprised of three local architects and graduates, along with an interstate architect and a guest juror. Jury chair, Neal Mackintosh, director of JAWS Architects, said that many of the projects displayed a confident sense of materiality to help create a strong connection with their settings.

“As usual, a high level of inventiveness is evident, with Tasmanian architects stretching lean budgets to produce spatially rich and engaging buildings,” he said.

The shortlisted projects will be visited between Monday May 6 and Wednesday May 8, 2019. Follow the jury visits on Facebook, at Institute of Architects Tasmanian Chapter, and Instagram, @architects_tas.

The winners in each category, along with a number of other awards including the Enduring Architecture Award, the President’s Prize and the SWT Blythe Student Prize, will be announced at an awards presentation evening on July 6 in Hobart.

The full suite of entries will be on show at an exhibition at the Brickworks Launceston Design Centre between May 23 and June 6, and in Hobart at Brooke Street Pier between June 14 and July 14.


TasPorts Cruise Ship Shelters by Cumulus Studio
Crump Treehouse by Crump Architects
SUSH by Core Collective Architects with Christopher Clinton Architect
Dales of Derby by Philip M Dingemanse
Freycinet Lodge Coastal Pavilions by Liminal Architecture
Devonport Living City Stage 1 by Lyons with Maddison Architects and Birrelli
Domain Community Hub by Field Labs
Pharos by Fender Katsalidis
Glenorchy Health Centre by Liminal Architecture with DesignInc
Kosaten Launceston by Cumulus Studio
Mount Stuart Greenhouse by Bence Mulcahy
#TheBaeTAS by workbylizandalex
Manuka Road by Morrison & Breytenbach Architects
Trapper + Burt’s by 1+2 Architecture
Floodlight House by Crump Architects
House at Otago Bay by Topology Studio
Farm Hill House by Preston Lane
Glasshouse by Preston Lane
Ulverstone Secondary College Year 11 & 12 by Philp Lighton Architects

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